Iron Fairy – Chloe
The quiet, undiscovered one she is. Chloe is well-loved by all, with the ever flickering fire of passion that never goes dark. She sits and awaits a chance for her to shine, calmly and ever so much in harmony, though at times lonely and longingly wait for that spark to burst into the spotlight. Her day will come, and we behold her beauty and optimism to be discovered.
Create some magic in your garden with the Iron Fairies. These tiny creatures fit in the palm of your hand and will delight young and old alike.
Iron Fairies is a concept derived from 3 children’s books written by Ashley Sutton. The stories are based on a underground world of iron miners who make iron fairies from different types or ore they mine. These fairies, when they see sunlight, come to life as the ore they are made from contains a magical ingredient.
Each Iron Fairy comes in a soft leather pouch with a scroll about their identity and a glass jar of fairy dust.