Rhinoceros Puppet by Hansa


Rhinoceros refers to any of five species of giant horn-bearing herbivores that include some of the largest living land mammals. Only African and Asian elephants are taller at the shoulder than the two largest Rhinoceros species. The White Rhinoceros and the Black Rhinoceros live in Africa, while the Indian Rhinoceros, the Javan Rhinoceros (R. sondaicus), and the Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) live in Asia. Rhino horn is made up of keratin - the same protein which forms the basis of human hair and nails. Javan and Indian (Greater One-Horned) Rhinos only have one horn, whereas all the other rhino species have two horns.
The precarious state of the surviving species (all but one are endangered) is in direct contrast to the early history of this group as one of the most successful lineages of hoofed mammals. Today the total population of all the rhinoceros species combined is probably fewer than 30,000. Rhinoceroses today are restricted to eastern and southern Africa and to subtropical and tropical Asia.

Measures: 31cm

Hansa Toys stand apart from the competition because of the quality, attention to detail, and pin point accuracy of specific animal characteristics that are used in each production.

Artists create each Hansa animal from portraits of the creature in its natural habitat. Hansa meticulously hand-cuts and trims the coats of each animal, never by machine, and they have specially trained Hansa artisans to create the subtle colouring on the animals by hand painting or airbrushing. On average, there are 42 separate pieces required to make each animal. (Some animals have as many as 240 different parts!)

Please note: Hansa Puppets are floppy and do not stand on their own as shown in some of the official product photos. While this puppet has moveable arms and head, the mouth does not open and close.

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